Submission Information and Guidelines

Abstract Submissions:

Authors are invited to submit abstracts on any of the Conference Topics. The International Organizing Committee will select oral and poster contributions based on the accepted abstracts.

Authors submitting an abstract are kindly requested to provide the names of three potential reviewers for the final paper should they decide to submit it for publication in the Conference Proceedings.

Please, refrain from providing names of colleagues within your own institution. If possible, select them among the senior potential participants of SOFT 2024.

Abstract submission will be open: 08 January 2024.

Deadline extension for abstract submission: 01 March 2024.

To submit your abstract, please access the Fourwaves platform.


Abstract Submission Guidelines:

  • The submitting author must also be the presenting author.
  • The presenting author does not have to be the first author.
  • The presenting author must be the corresponding author.
  • Each presenting author may submit only one abstract.
  • All abstracts must be submitted via Fourwaves for which you will need to create an account.
  • Abstracts are submitted online through the Fourwaves submission system. Abstracts submitted via email or other means will not be considered.
  • Abstracts must be written in English and must not exceed 300 words.
  • The purpose of the research, main results, and conclusions must be clearly stated.
  • By submitting an abstract, you agree to its publication in the official program of the Conference.
  • All accepted and published abstracts must have registered presenting authors. Only one abstract and one Proceedings paper will be accepted per registered participant.
  • Work that has been previously published or presented elsewhere may be submitted, but the information must be provided as to where the work was presented or published.
  • Work that has already been published or presented elsewhere will not be eligible for any awards.
  • The decision of the International Organizing Committee on the inclusion of an abstract in the Conference program is final.
  • Authors will be notified of acceptance of their abstract by email no later than the 26th of April 2024.

For any questions or further information on abstract submission, please contact [email protected].

Instructions for Poster Presenters

Instructions for Participants to upload Posters to the Fourwaves platform can be accessed here.

General Instructions and Poster Formatting:

Four poster sessions will be scheduled during the conference:

  • Monday, 23 September, 14:30 – 16:00 – Topic E & G poster session for on-site presenters
  • Tuesday, 24 September, 14:30 – 16:00 – Topic A, D, H & K poster session for on-site presenters
  • Wednesday 25 September, 12:00 – 13:30 – Topic B, C, F & L poster session for on-site presenters
  • Thursday, 26 September, 14:30 – 16:00 – Topic I & J poster session for on-site presenters and virtual poster session for remote (online) presenters

The presenters will be informed of their allocated session for audience viewing and discussion during which time they must be available by their posters/connected online.

Please note that the presentation of the poster contribution, either on-site or online, is required for submission of the corresponding contributed paper to the SOFT 2024 Proceedings.

There is no official poster template for SOFT 2024.

Posters of on-site presenters must be in a portrait oriented A0 format which will be displayed on the boards in the conference venue. Please do not print on Silk paper. The content should be readable by viewers one and a half meters away and the message of the poster should be clear and understandable without oral explanation, covering all key aspects of the work presented.

Virtual poster presentations should be in a landscape orientation, and must be prepared as a PowerPoint, PDF and/or a 5-min MPEG-4 video (*.mp4, max 1 GB) recorded in PowerPoint, with no more than 5 slides for each of the poster presentation formats.

All posters must display the contribution title, authors, and affiliations.

On-site Participation:

The poster presenters who will be present in Dublin (on-site) are expected to print and set-up their posters in the Conference venue. The following equipment will be provided by the Organizer:

  • a 250 cm (height) x 100 cm (width) board suitable for the portrait oriented A0 posters, no silk printing permitted.
  • a sign indicating your poster ID number.
  • adhesive tape for poster mounting.

Please note that the poster boards are not supplied with electricity or audio-visual equipment. The conference staff will assist you during the time of poster mounting.

On-site presenters who entered the SOFT2024 PhD Poster Prize at registration stage, please ensure to upload your poster to the Fourwaves platform by Friday, 13 September 2024. Further details on the online poster upload, display, and accessibility can be seen on the Fourwaves platform here

Virtual participation:

Posters and Pre-recorded video talks must be uploaded to the Fourwaves platform by Friday 13 September 2024.

The posters of the presenters who will be present remotely (online) will not be printed nor will they be exhibited on-site.

The posters will be available online via the Fourwaves platform and will be displayed in a gallery view with search features by keyword and speaker. Each poster will have a dedicated page that includes the poster, as well as an embedded chat window for interactive discussion with the online audience. During the virtual poster session, the audience will be presented with the option to join a live video chat with the poster presenter which will allow a real time discussion and engagement.

Further details on the online poster upload, display, and accessibility can be seen on the Fourwaves platform here

Poster Set-up and Tear Down:

The on-site poster presenters are required to set-up their posters on the assigned boards in the Conference Venue the morning of their poster session.

Posters must be removed from the boards in the on-site Conference Venue at the end of each session.

Instructions for Oral Presenters


General Instructions:

The length of the oral presentations is as follows:

  • Plenary Talk: 40 minutes (30 min presentation + 10 min Q&A),
  • Topic Invited Talk: 30 min (25 min presentation + 5 min Q&A),
  • Selected Contributed Talk: 20 min (15 min presentation + 5 min Q&A).

All talks will be streamed live on the Fourwaves platform HERE.  The talks will be recorded and made available for later viewing.

Instructions for registration to the Fourwaves platform and usage can be viewed on the Fourwaves website HERE.

Please note that the presentation of the oral contribution is required for submission of the corresponding contributed paper to the SOFT 2024 Proceedings.

Presentation Instructions:

For SOFT 2024, presentations will be managed remotely. In order to do this, Oral presenters are required to upload presentations as far in advance as possible to the following upload link:

Web Portal:

All presentations must be uploaded at the latest by 12 September 2024. All copies of presentations will be deleted once the event is over.

Guidelines for presentations:

  • All presentations will need to be made in the 16:9 aspect ratio.
  • Please make us aware of any video content included in your presentation, especially if there is audio on the video. You can upload a text file along with your presentation with any specific instructions.

You will be provided with a remote control to advance your presentation on the day of the event.

If you have any questions in relation to presentation instructions please contact [email protected]

Call for papers

12 July 2024

The Symposium on Fusion Technology 2024

The SOFT Special Issue will include contributions from any area in the scope of the conference.

Guest editors:

Miles TurnerDublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
[email protected]

Special issue information:

The 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2024) will be held in Dublin City University, Ireland from 22 to 27 September 2024. The event is organised by Dublin City University and the National Centre for Plasma Science and Technology.

The biennial symposium on fusion technology is the most important conference in this field in Europe, bringing together scientists, engineers, industry representatives and exhibitors from all over the world and focusing on the latest developments in fusion experiments and activities. SOFT 2024 will include invited, oral and poster presentations, as well as industry and exhibitions and it will be held at the Helix, Dublin City University.This special issue will present a selection of the most important results announced at the symposium.

Contributions are invited on any topic included in the SOFT meeting:

  • General DEMO reviews and general concepts
  • Integrated descriptions of experimental devices and facilities for fusion research
  • Plasma Heating and Current Drive
  • Plasma Engineering, Plasma Control, and CODAC
  • Diagnostics
  • Plasma-Facing Components
  • Vessel/in-vessel Engineering and Remote Handling
  • Fuel Cycle and Breeding Blankets
  • Materials Technology
  • Safety and Environment, Socio-economic studies and Technology Transfer
  • Non-magnetic fusion technologies

Further guidance on the scope of these topics is available at the conference website:

Manuscript submission information:

This is an invitation only special issue. For any inquiries about the appropriateness of contribution topics, please contact the guest editors via their emails.

The journal’s submission platform (Editorial Manager®) is now available for receiving submissions to this Special Issue. Please refer to the Guide for Authors to prepare your manuscript and select the article type of “VSI: SOFT 2024” when submitting your manuscript online. Both the Guide for Authors and the submission portal could be found on the Journal Homepage here:

Submission Deadline: Dec 31, 2024

Submission Open Date: Sep 27, 2024


Fusion technology

Learn more about the benefits of publishing in a special issue.

Interested in becoming a guest editor? Discover the benefits of guest editing a special issue and the valuable contribution that you can make to your field.