Dublin City University, Ireland
SOFT 2024 would like to thank our Golden Sponsor FDS

Welcome to SOFT 2024!
We cordially invite you to participate in the 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2024), which will be held in Dublin City University, Ireland from 22 to 27 September 2024. The event is organised by Dublin City University and the National Centre for Plasma, Science and Technology.
The biennial symposium on fusion technology is the most important conference in this field in Europe, bringing together scientists, engineers, industry representatives and exhibitors from all over the world and focusing on the latest developments in fusion experiments and activities. SOFT 2024 will include invited, oral and poster presentations, as well as industry and exhibitions and it will be held at the Helix, Dublin City University. Dublin is the vibrant capital city of Ireland.
SOFT 2024 is hosted as a hybrid event. The Fourwaves platform will be used for the online part of the conference, some useful tips can be found here.
Please note the following
Photography and filming is taking place at SOFT 2024. The photographs and recordings made are likely to appear on our website.
In the interest of sustainability all SOFT 2024 documents will be shared with delegates in soft copy format.
We look forward to seeing you at SOFT 2024,
Miles Turner, Chair of the International Organising Committee
Jennifer Egan, Chair of the Local Organising Committee