Useful Information
The weather in September in Ireland can be very pleasant. The average temperature high is 15° C / 59° F. The average low is 9° C / 48° F. When it does rain, showers tend to be light and temporary.
Currency and Banking
In the Republic of Ireland, the currency used is the euro (€) and in Northern Ireland the currency used is the pound sterling (£). Most banks and hotels, as well as ATMs accept major standard international credit and debit cards.
Official Language of the Symposium
The official language of the Symposium is English. No translation will be provided.
Liability and insurance
The organisers do not accept responsibility for individual medical, travel or personal insurance. All delegates are strongly advised to purchase their own personal health and travel insurance before traveling to the symposium.
Health Care
We strongly recommend delegates purchase travel and medical insurance when traveling to Ireland.
The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) enables access to necessary state-provided healthcare on the same basis as a country resident. The nearest General Hospital to DCU is Beaumont Hospital (a public hospital). Beaumont Hospital is located close to DCU at Beaumont Rd, Beaumont, Dublin 9.
Important Telephone Numbers
In Ireland we have two emergency numbers – 999 and 112.
The main emergency services are the “blue light” services that respond to normal emergencies in Ireland namely An Garda Síochána, the Ambulance Service, the Fire Service and the Irish Coast Guard. These principal emergency services would be first responders in most emergency situations.
The standard electricity supply on the island of Ireland is 230 volts AC, the same as in the UK. Visitors from outside the UK may require a transformer and plug adaptor (to convert 2-pin plugs to the standard 3-pin plugs), which can be bought at airports or electrical suppliers.